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Made from multilayer solid beech wood our pull-up bar is designed for use on the Kraxlboard Xtreme. The pull-up bar sticks tight to the Kraxlboard as it is plugged into it and fastened with a screw. Why our pull-up bar is angled at the ends? When doing pull ups in an overhand grip, the wrists drop downward to the outside. Now, when grabbing a straight pull-up bar, our wrists are unnaturally bent which leads to a contusion of their rotary (thumb-side) fraction. The wider we extend the overhand grip, the more the wrists drop downward. This is why it is so important to train on an angled bar, especially for wide-grip pull-ups. Working out on a straight pull-up bar increases risk of injury, produces a less economic motion sequence and is therefore less efficient.
inserible con facilidad en nuestra tabla multipresa Kraxlboard XTREME
fabricada en madera de haya multicapa, superficie no tratada
Se enchufa simplemente en nuestra tabla Kraxlboard y se atornilla en pocos minutos con la pieza incluida, la barra se adhiere firmemente a la tabla
mango angular para garantir posición ergonómica de las manos y para preservar las articulaciones
producida de manera sostenible en el Tirol del Sur

Barra de dominadas 1
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